Highlights from the Cloud Computing Skill Development in Europe Webinar


On 20th of July 2022 HUB4CLOUD organised the Cloud Computing (CC) Skill Development in Europe Webinar. This webinar was part of the CC Skills webinar series which we launched earlier this year.

Assessing the CC skills level, gap and training opportunities in Europe is one of HUB4CLOUD’s core topic and we launched this series of webinars for data gathering from the different initiatives and experts who are active in this topic.

This webinar was organised in collaboration with Mobile World Capital, who is involved in the topic of digital skills via a number of their projects and initiatives. In this webinar we explored the same questions about CC skills assessment and the role of these initiatives in identifying and bridging the gaps. The presenters shared very interesting data concerning cloud computing skills level in Europe and the training opportunities. One data shared from Barcelona Digital Talent was that in the past decade jobs requiring digital skills have raised by 41% in Europe. Some digital topics are more popular than others and this leads to data which shows how many professionals are available for each job. The number of cloud computing professionals available for each job isn’t too high, in 2020 about 10 professionals and in 2021, less than 8.

h4cwebinarFig. source: Presentation by Marta Portales, Mobile World Capital





Webinar recording