Online soon: The H-CLOUD Forum

Are you working in the field of Cloud Computing? Then get ready: The H-CLOUD Forum is going online soon!

The H-CLOUD Forum aims to connect Cloud stakeholders, increase awareness and collaboration across different stakeholder groups, provide cross-fertilisation opportunities and stimulate the adoption of research and innovation outputs so as to ensure technological sovereignty and global competitiveness of Europe. It is open to all stakeholder groups including Cloud technology innovators, application developers and open standards contributors, Cloud providers, user communities, policy makers, public authorities and standards groups.

Some of the major themes covered by the H-CLOUD Forum are:

  • Theme 1. Cloud certification
  • Theme 2. European data policy framework
  • Theme 3. National regulatory framework
  • Theme 4. Interoperability, portability and open source initiatives
  • Theme 5. Pre-standardisation
  • Theme 6. Artificial Intelligence and algorithmic transparency
  • Theme 7. Cloud Research and innovation priorities
  • Theme 8. The European industrial sector

Next to interesting discussions on these and other topics, the H-CLOUD Forum also offers a lounge area, where you can get in touch and exchange ideas with other Cloud stakeholders.

Registration to the H-CLOUD Forum is free and will be opened soon! Subscribe to our newsletter to stay tuned!
