PHYSICS Reusable Artefacts Marketplace Platform – An ecosystem of assets

PHYSICS project aims at enabling European Content Services Platform to enhance its offerings from baseline computing services to more advanced business and operational models such as the Function as a Service paradigm. PHYSICS has released a Reusable Artefacts Marketplace Platform (RAMP), in which internal and external entities are able to contribute fine-grained reusable assets, for incorporating added value offerings of different types.

The main aim of the RAMP is bringing contributors and buyers from the cloud computing environment around one central marketplace, to include standalone cross-platform artefacts and assets. Because of the large number of components that will be made available, and the knowledge of the platform acquired during its development, companies delivering consulting services could provide clear, tangible solutions for the processes of their clients in the form of specific artefacts and integrate these components in larger macro strategies. Even smaller companies can pursue a beneficiary approach through the commercialisation of proprietary features potentially on the RAMP, and additional consulting and training services. Other stakeholders could see in this platform the opportunity to increase their knowledge, know-how, and integration capacities. Companies or research entities can use the RAMP to improve existing products, or to integrate the outcomes in different programs.

Check the RAMP out!

You can register to the platform here and upload your asset here!

Couldn’t find the asset you were looking for? Make a request!

Unsure on how to contribute? Here is a tutorial!

Join our Platform!

PHYSICS has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under GA No. 101017047